Last week I received e-mail from a friend with the word “Ashamed” in the subject line. Even though my friend is a lefty and is pretty darned brilliant, his timing sucked! His e-mail went onto chastise Republicans for deficit spending etc. al. I conceded the point. Republicans should be ashamed. When they were out of power BIG Government was the bad guy, now that they are in power they are spending like the proverbial drunken sailor… but so what? I thought that it was about the economy stupid?
If you want to talk about shame explain this:
Ted Kennedy has implied that Judge Samuel Alito should not sit on the highest court in the land because of Alitos moral failings. (Judge Alito was once affiliated with the Concerned Alumni of Princeton… Huh!) This is stupefying in its stupidity! Is this all that you have? And if it is, why in the name of all that is holy and just would the Dems drag out ole Teddy to question anybody on anything regarding ethics?!? Is this the party that has old KKK Robert Byrd still in its ranks?
Wow! This party is killing itself with a thousand little paper cuts!