Hillary Clinton is talking about Plantations again, and on Martin Luther King Jr. day no less. Why do lefty boomer politicians continuously get away with saying wacky racial crap ALL THE TIME? Why do idiots like Harry Belafonte get to spout off at the mouth and have their rants taken seriously? WHY? Do you know why? Because black people let them, that’s why!
Well I’m a black person and I’m putting my foot down. I’VE HAD ENOUGH!
Remember when Trent Lott gave Senator Strom Thurmond some special birthday love? All he did was lie to an old at his birthday party. “We all would have been better off if you were in charge”. That’s what he said! “Strom, you’re a good man and we appreciate your service.” By the time the firestorm was over, Trent had to by shares in BET (Black Entertainment Television), and he still got fired from his post! Lefties were appalled. “Tisk tisk tisk” giving aid and comfort to an old racist like Strom. Never mind the fact that Robert KKK Byrd is still in their ranks!
Now Hillary is in Harlem on MLK day and we’ve got inappropriate slave talk being thrown about. Not to worry though, she was/is married to America’s first black president… (Yeah, o.k.) Here is a question for my white readers. Would you ever stand in front of a black audience (or even a white audience) and use racially charged rhetoric to illustrate your point? No. You probably wouldn’t. The question is why not? What makes you different from Hillary Clinton? Again the answer is simple. You are decent whereas Hillary is not. You don’t take black people for granted, whereas Hillary does. And here’s the big one. If you were to lay a verbal racial egg you would probably here about it from your good friends and family, which would prompt you to apologize! As a normal person you probably don’t have a bunch of boot kissing sycophants standing around kissing your ass every time you screw up. That’s because again, you are normal! Hillary Clinton and most liberal Democrats in power are not normal and this is the reason why white liberals get away with spewing racial wackiness, black Boomercrats (the older generation of black folks) defend the indefensible? It is the black leadership in the Democratic Party who are the real problem! After Hillary’s asinine comment how long did it take for Senator Barrack Obama and the black cabal to pucker up?
Talk about the slave mentality. Who’s zooming whom? If they would stand up, Hillary would sit down. What’s in it for Barrak anyway? A future VP spot under Ms. Clinton? Ohhhhh, now that’s rich!
Some of you might recall the fallout between Obama and Alan Keyes in 2004. Keyes ignited a firestorm by calling Obama's views on abortion the "slaveholder's position." Obama responded to the then outrageous remark by saying that Keyes, "should look to members of his own party to see if that's appropriate if he's going to use that kind of language." * Humm. O.K.
Hey Obamma, whom should Hillary look to? If you, of all people won’t tell her that her comments were inappropriate, who will? What is it with democrats and hypocrisy? Why do black boomacrats beat up on independent black thinkers like Keys (nut job that he is) but give liberal white folks, who say the same thing, a pass? Who is the Uncle Tom here? Who is exhibiting the Plantation mentality?
And all of this on Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
P.S. Uncle Tom was really a cool guy. Read
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (The Book people, The BOOK!!).
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